- 產品描述
這是一個關于葡萄園的美麗故事,為了給親愛的妻子一個驚喜,1900年5月當Georges喬治斯先生和Fernande de Latour費爾南德夫人在美國納帕谷買下一塊叫做盧瑟福(Rutherford)的4公頃葡萄田與房舍,自此開始了新的時代。當Fernande夫人第一眼看到這片土地時,不禁驚呼“Quel Beau-lieu”,這句法文的意思是“一片美麗的土地”,酒莊便以此為名字,到今天已經有115年歷史了!This is a beautiful
story about the vineyard. In order to give his dear wife a surprise, Mr. Georgesand Mrs. Fernande bought a land of 4 hectares of grape fields and houses, which is called“Rutherford”in Napa Valley, the United States, in May 1900. Since then a new era began.When Mrs. Fernande first saw this land, she couldn’t help but exclaim "Quel Beaulieu".InFrench it means "a beautifulland". Since then the winery has been named “Beaulieu”and tilltoday it has a history of 115 years!
關鍵詞:- 赤霞珠
- 豪詩
- 加州葡萄酒